Innovative antibacterial protective coating for paper

Print plays its part in fighting infection

With Government guidance about social distancing and the opening of new business sectors updated almost daily, Impress Print Services have been kept busy with increased orders for print, packaging and signage. We have also been working with our paper and finishing suppliers to find new and innovative ways that we can support fighting the spread of infection.

For areas where hygiene is essential, such as healthcare, a paper coating a with strong antimicrobial properties is now available, featuring additives that are highly effective against pathogens such as MRSA and E-coli. While a coating with a specific resistance to Covid-19 hasn’t yet been developed, Impress can finish your print with an anti-bacterial coating with great potential in cutting down the spread of bacteria and potentially offering a line of defence against future pandemics.

Impress antibacterial coating…

  • Eliminates 99% of bacteria that comes into contact with the film
  • Super matte finish
  • Exclusive and revolutionary solution to the graphic arts sector
  • No matter how many hands touch the product, the film will remain free of bacteria
  • Tested according to ISO 22196

According to the US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 80% of illness-causing germs are transferred by touch1. Since paper can be a carrier of bacteria, it makes perfect sense to use an antimicrobial coating in all settings where the spread of bacteria needs to be kept to a minimum.

antibacterial coating for paper

Typical Applications

  • Hospital communication material and packaging
  • GP Surgeries
  • Schools
  • Children’s books
  • Restaurant menus
  • Packaging of personal care products
“This is revolutionary for the print industry.  We’re so delighted to be able to offer antimicrobial print which could make a huge difference in the worldwide fight against infection.”

Mike Kille, Managing Director, Impress Print Services

How effective is Silver as an antibacterial?

The active component of most antimicrobial coatings is silver. Silver has been used for years in the healthcare sector to improve infection control, reducing the levels of bacteria by rupturing the bacterial cell membrane. This immobilises the bacteria by starving it of oxygen and destroying the reproductive receptor.

Antimicrobial agents act against all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi. Silver has a proven success rate, even with resistant strains of bacteria.

The power of paper and cardboard to fight against the spread of disease

This is an exciting area within infection control. According to a new report, the antimicrobial coatings market is projected to grow from $3.3 billion in 2020 to $5.6 billion by 20252. This is mainly down to the adoption of antimicrobial coatings in the healthcare and food sector, but they are expected to be used more and more in the packaging industry.

Antimicrobial coatings allows paper products exposed to high-touch volumes to ‘self-sanitise’ without affecting the appearance or performance of the paper itself.  The silver ions present within the paper continually work to prevent the growth of the micro-organisms, effectively reducing contamination levels on the surface.

No known Covid-19 transmission from print surfaces

At a time when there’s intense focus on the spread of Covid-19 and ways in which that spread can be reduced, there’s been a lot of attention on different surfaces, including print and paper, and how those surfaces can retain and potentially spread the virus. Research and guidance from the world’s leading health organisations, including the World Health Organisation (WHO) has concluded that there are no known incidents of Covid-19 transmission from print surfaces, whether that’s newspapers, magazines, letters or packaging3.

By adding antimicrobial coatings, your print can add even more trust in the medium and dispel many of the myths around any link to the spread of disease.

Please contact us…

If you would like more information for your next print project please contact us.

Call 01932 236100 or e-mail


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