Environmental Paper

Environmental Paper

Paper is sustainable and naturally renewable

Few materials can compare to paper.  It’s simply an amazing product! Look around you; paper is used everywhere in one form or another.

Impress select papers to produce excellent, professional print results, and we aim to assist and inspire print buyers to make that ‘green’ choice.

The paper industry has come on leaps and bounds over the last few decades and paper is now one of the most renewable and sustainable raw materials there is.

It is not possible for all paper produced to be 100% recycled – as you can imagine, some paper will be lost in WC’s, contaminated, or end up in landfill. One of our key responsibilities lies in ensuring the non recycled element of paper we use is sourced responsibly. To this end, we have worked tirelessly to promote the work of The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and the use of Carbon Balanced Paper.

Responsible Forestry


The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests.  As an FSC certified company we can trace the wood used for your project from the forest where it was sourced, right the way through production until it lands on your desk as a piece of print.

FSC certified forests ensure:

  • The forests biodiversity, productivity and ecological processes are maintained
  • Socially beneficial forest management which helps both local people and society at large to enjoy long term benefits
  • Economically viable forest management to ensure financial profit is not at the expense of the forest resources, the ecosystem or affected communities

Our customers know that when they print with us, their paper is sourced from FSC forests – these forests hold the FSC certified management system which ensures the forests are responsibly managed.

As an FSC certified printer, we can even print the FSC logo on your work to showcase your commitment to buying print from environmentally friendly sources.


Manufacturing recycled paper uses less energy, water and produces lower carbon emissions than manufacturing non-recycled paper*.  At the same time it reduces the amount of waste to landfill – paper can be recycled 4-5 times.

When recycled paper was first introduced it was brown, furry and you wouldn’t even dream of printing on it. Now you can’t tell it apart from virgin paper!

Papers with a recycled element offer a sustainable, greener option, allowing businesses that use paper to communicate their brand values in a way that goes beyond the written word.

*source:  recycled-papers.co.uk 

Recyclable Paper Packaging


Carbon Balanced Paper is paper for which the carbon impacts of the whole paper production process have been measured and balanced. The Carbon Balancing is facilitated by the ‘World Land Trust’, an international conservation charity.

When ordering print, specifying Carbon Balanced Paper helps our clients to fulfil or enhance their sustainability targets and carbon reduction programmes – it is a simple way to reduce the carbon impacts of marketing and other printed communications.


All Impress papers can be Carbon Balanced, from everyday stationery to high impact corporate brochures.  All have been selected because of their powerful combination of sustainability and performance.  No compromises, just compelling communications.

It’s simple to order – just ask for carbon balanced paper us and we will do the rest. We can even give you a certificate to show you how much carbon you have saved from your responsible paper procurement and the number of square meters of high conservation value forests you have protected through the World Land Trust.

Not being content with simply Carbon Balancing our papers, at Impress, we have taken Carbon Balancing a step further. We are one of a few printers in the country who are certified a Carbon Balanced Publication Printer.  This means that our operational footprint has also been measured and balanced through the World Land Trust.  So not only is the paper Carbon Balanced, but the whole production of your work is too.

When you request a Carbon Balanced Paper, we are able to use our ‘Carbon Balanced Publication’ logo on your work should you wish.  This is the highest statement of environmental integrity and credibility for our clients.


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