Paper is sustainable and naturally renewable
Few materials can compare to paper. It’s simply an amazing product! Look around you; paper is used everywhere in one form or another.
Impress select papers to produce excellent, professional print results, and we aim to assist and inspire print buyers to make that ‘green’ choice.
The paper industry has come on leaps and bounds over the last few decades and paper is now one of the most renewable and sustainable raw materials there is.
It is not possible for all paper produced to be 100% recycled – as you can imagine, some paper will be lost in WC’s, contaminated, or end up in landfill. One of our key responsibilities lies in ensuring the non recycled element of paper we use is sourced responsibly. To this end, we have worked tirelessly to promote the work of The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and the use of Carbon Balanced Paper.