Thriving forest, thriving people, thriving business…
The FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) logo on a wood, a wood based product and paper is your assurance that it is made with, or contains, wood that comes from FSC certified forests or from post-consumer waste.

In order to be given FSC certification a forest must be managed in an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable manner. This is what makes the system unique and ensures that a forest is well-managed from the protection of indigenous people’s rights to the methods of felling trees. Forests that meet these strict standards are given FSC certification and the timber allowed to carry the FSC label.
We can trace the wood used for your project from the forest where it was sourced, right the way through production until it lands on your desk as a piece of print.
Our clients know that when they print with us, their paper is sourced from FSC forests – these forests hold the certified management system which ensures the forests are responsibly managed.