The Big Help Out

Can you lend a hand?

To mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to give us all the chance to help out in our own local communities.

Starting on Monday 8th May there will be opportunities for everyone to join in.  No matter what you are good at, there’ll be something to suit helping hands of all shapes and sizes! From checking in on someone who’d like a bit of company or volunteering for a charity the more of us who join in, the bigger help we will be.

If you can spare an hour…fantastic. The day?…amazing. If it becomes a regular thing one evening or at the weekend, so much the better. If we all do a bit, it will really help a lot.

Getting involved couldn’t be simpler…


Make a Food Donation  |  Become a Community Garden Volunteer  |  “Repairer” at the monthly Repair Cafe  |  Youth Club Helper  |  Scout Association Volunteer or Leader  |  Puppy Parenting, Fostering or Dog Walker …



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