Helping to protect front line staff during the Coronavirus crisis.
During this Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the NHS struggle to get hold of medical scrubs for front line workers. Impress Print Services have joined up with volunteers from a local home sewing group in Claygate, Surrey. We are helping to make more scrubs and part of the wider initiative, Scrub Hub, featured on BBC News.
With our Digital Large Format Printing Press we can print poster size dressmaking pattern templates. Usually cutting patterns are produced from tissue paper, but using a heavier weight paper enables the pattern to be re-used several times.
From poster size to ‘Scrub Kits’, the pattern, fabric and instructions are ready to be distributed to the Scrub Hub volunteers to cut and sew into new medical scrubs!
NHS front line workers wear scrubs so they don’t have to change their clothes frequently and to stop the risk of carrying the Coronavirus between patients, or wards, or into their own homes.
Mike Kille, Managing Director at Impress said: “Across the UK, many community efforts are working to provide more scrubs. We are delighted to also contribute and help our fantastic NHS, Doctors, Nurses, GP’s and Heathcare workers.”