ANNOUNCEMENT – Impress have achieved Carbon Balanced Publication Printer status!

Delivering progress in a competitive, resource-strained world…

Impress are proud to announce they have been awarded Carbon Balanced Publication Printer Status!

A Carbon Balanced Publication Printer is one of the highest statements of environmental integrity and credibility for both the end user and those who provide paper based communications.  It confirms that the carbon impacts of the whole production of a printed item has been estimated and balanced or offset*.  Along with Impress’ other environmental accreditations, this demonstrates excellence in environmental performance across the entire spectrum of our company’s operations and services.

We achieved this accreditation through a programme of waste reduction and increased efficiency, then mapping our residual operational carbon footprint to defined boundaries. The data was then verified by a third party verification process and the carbon impacts were balanced or offset with the World Land Trust – an international conservation charity.


  • Peace of mind knowing you are purchasing responsibly from a market leader in environmental performance
  • Reducing carbon impacts in the supply chain
  • Supporting the invaluable work of the World Land Trust
  • Enables clients to support their environmental policies and achieve objectives
  • Helps clients communicate and spread their Corporate Responsibility message by printing the Carbon Balanced Logo on their work
  • Impress will not charge a single penny extra for these important environmental benefits

OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS Impress has preserved 41,100 square meters of land with the World Land Trust.  We are delighted to support the World Land Trust in their vital and valuable work.

*In addition to Carbon Balanced Print Production, Impress can also Carbon Balance the paper used.  A certificate to show the amount of carbon saved and rain forest protected through our scheme can be provided.  Please speak to your account manager or email for further information.

To find out more information about what we are doing to reduce our carbon impact, please visit the Impress Sustainability page.


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